Attention Contractors and Stair Builders

Homeowners need you. Everyday we receive requests for help finding contractors who can install Stair Supplies products. We want to refer loyal contractors to our homeowners who need installation help. If you would like us to refer your company the next time someone in your area calls for help with a stairway contractor, please send an email to [email protected]. In your email include your complete business name, address and contact phone numbers. We will give you a call to confirm the area in which you want to work and then begin to send referrals. We want to help you be successful installing high end stair parts. Please include pictures of your completed projects.

Send an email to [email protected] to register as a Contractor or follow the link below.

Register as a Contractor


Attention Homeowners

Do you need a qualified contractor to install your stairway? Stair Supplies has a list of contractors who have registered with us as contractors. We would be glad to give you a referral. Simply send an email or give us a call one of our stair specialists. We will send you a list of contractors in your area. We will not share your personal information.

Contact us to help find a Contractor