Our Sure-Tite is 10.5″ long. Let us know if you have any other questions.
Paul White
9 years 5 months ago
Can this be sunk into a concrete floor and used to attach a solid newel (base of stairs)?
No one seems to make single 5/8 lag shields for concrete.
Stair Supplies
9 years 5 months ago
Hi Paul,
Unfortunately this isn’t designed for going into concrete, I believe a product like that exists, I’m just not sure where you might get it… Sorry we couldn’t be of more help.
evelyn ray
8 years 6 months ago
Can it be used to attach 7 1/2″ newel post? Is it strong enough?
Stair Supplies
8 years 6 months ago
Thank you for contacting us, Evelyn Ray. Unfortunately, we have not tested the use of the Sure-Tite newel fastening system beyond our 5″ newels, so we would hesitate to offer our opinion beyond that size.
<h2>Product Q&A</h2>
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How long is the bolt
Our Sure-Tite is 10.5″ long. Let us know if you have any other questions.
Can this be sunk into a concrete floor and used to attach a solid newel (base of stairs)?
No one seems to make single 5/8 lag shields for concrete.
Hi Paul,
Unfortunately this isn’t designed for going into concrete, I believe a product like that exists, I’m just not sure where you might get it… Sorry we couldn’t be of more help.
Can it be used to attach 7 1/2″ newel post? Is it strong enough?
Thank you for contacting us, Evelyn Ray. Unfortunately, we have not tested the use of the Sure-Tite newel fastening system beyond our 5″ newels, so we would hesitate to offer our opinion beyond that size.